Ready To Be Connected
Posted: Thu, 27 Jan 2022 13:35
Our "Ready To Be" campaign is here to help you with any feelings of isolation, loneliness, or general struggles with wellbeing. Whether you are looking to be more active, taking up a new skill, planning on volunteering or wanting to connect with others, there are lots of opportunities across the district.
We have guided Health Walks which run weekly in our parks and open spaces.
Volunteering opportunities at A Place To Grow - connect with nature, relax with a cuppa and share your passion for growing.
If you have a long term health condition and are anxious about where to go or what to do our Exercise Referral scheme is for you. From Back Pain, Arthritis, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure or struggling to loose weight - we have lots of options that can meet your needs.
Our friends at Adult Learning offer a variety of course around skills for jobs, apprenticeships, digital skills, arts, wellbeing, and how to support your Mental Health.
Anxious about returning to exercise or sport search Active Together pages to find out locally whats on in your area.