Make 2025 the year to Quit
Posted: Mon, 10 Jan 2022 09:56
QuitReady Stop Smoking Service is an ecigfriendly and can help you make the switch.
Evidence shows that smokers are three times more likely to succeed with the support of a stop smoking service. QuitReady offer a 12-week programme of support from a designated Stop Smoking advisor. They offer:-
- Free stop smoking medication, chosen to suit their needs and lifestyle
- Free E-cigarettes including liquids with information and guidance on how to operate the E-cigarette
Benefits of quitting
- 20 minutes - your blood pressure and pulse rate go back to normal. Circulation improves, especially in your hands and feet.
- 24 hours - your body will be clear of carbon monoxide and your lungs will start to clear some of the waste material from smoking.
Get in touch:-
- Tel: 0345 646 66 66
- Text: 'ready' to 66777
- Web: