Social Prescribing
Posted: Tue, 28 Sep 2021 16:45
Social Prescribing is a way of supporting patients to take control of their own health. Many things affect your wellbeing this could be stress at work, feeling isolated or lonely, financial problems, housing issues things that can't be met by medication alone.
GP's and Health Professionals can make a referral to a Social Prescriber who can help you take more control of your own healthcare, manage your needs in a way that suits you. It often starts with a simple conversation, they are they're to listen to you and put you in touch with whatever you need.
This could be to introduce you to a new community group, a new activity, volunteering opportunities or information and advice.
Studies show that Social Prescribing that individuals get better and feel better faster than medication alone.
Social Prescribers are based at all GP practices in Blaby District speak to your practice staff about how it could work for you.