New interactive guide for parents launched across the county
Posted: Tue, 5 Aug 2014 09:44
CCGs' interactive guide supports new parents
An interactive online guide for parents and carers of children aged from birth to five years has been produced by NHS West Leicestershire, NHS East Leicestershire and Rutland, and NHS Leicester City clinical commissioning groups (CCGs).
The Childhood health and well-being guide includes information and advice on a baby's first months, common childhood illnesses, general welfare and useful contacts. It has a helpful spoken soundtrack and is also available in a range of languages.
Julia McGinley, Director of Parent Support at the popular Netmums parenting site, said: "New parents are busy and don't always have time to wade through books and pamphlets – and that's why this new interactive guide is so good. Mums and dads can go straight to the section they need and get precise and concise information on their child's heath.
"With different language options plus text or sound choices, it means everyone can access it in the way which is best for them. We already know four in five parents turn to the internet for parenting help and this new guide will give peace of mind and reassure parents they can get the information they need when they want it."
Mel Thwaites, Assistant Director of Children's and Families Team for West Leicestershire, speaking on behalf of the CCGs, added: "We hope that the guide will be a valuable resource of information for parents and carers of children from birth to five years.
"Becoming a parent is one of the most wonderful but also challenging experiences in life. The guide is designed to provide a range of practical and readily accessible information to help and support parents/carers during those important early years."
To view the guide online, or to download a copy, go to
For more information please contact:
Geoff White, Communications & Engagement Manager, on 0116 295 1128 (for East Leicestershire and Rutland CCG, and West Leicestershire CCG)
Susan Kearton, Communications & Engagement Officer, on 0116 295 4168 (for East Leicestershire and Rutland CCG and West Leicestershire CCG)
Liz Mattock, Communications and Engagement Officer on 0116 295 4159 / or 07717 866750 or at Leicester City CCG)
Notes for editors:
Issued on behalf of Leicester City CCG, East Leicestershire and Rutland CCG and West Leicestershire CCG by the Greater East Midlands Commissioning Support Unit (GEM CSU), St John's House, Leicester, LE1 6NB.