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Leicestershire Adult and Children's Weight Management Service
The aim of the Leicestershire County Council weight management service is to provide effective support and guidance to the residents of Leicestershire, so that they can achieve and maintain a healthy weight.
Even if you have tried many times in the past and didn't get the success you hoped for, don't give up and get in touch with us to see how we can help you achieve your goals.
Eating healthily and exercising regularly reduces the risk of developing chronic disease as well as improving your quality of life. A realistic weight loss goal is to 5% of your current weight. This becomes more achievable if you aim to lose 0.5-1.kg (1-2lbs) per week.
The service helps you make healthy choices around the foods you eat, your general nutrition and well-being and being more active. Having a balanced diet with a variety of foods including fruit and vegetables is vital to overall health.
They offer a range of weight management support for people aged 16 years and above* as well as a lifestyle programme for families of children aged 4-17 to help them develop and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Their experienced dietitian-led team will be on hand to guide you through the most suitable options. They offer a 12 week telephone support service, text or online support with some face to face support to those who are digitally excluded.
* People aged 16 to 17 will be subject to assessment to determine whether they would be categorised into the adult or children weight management service.
Telephone: 0116 305 1510